Tarptautinė turizmo partnerių koalicija sveikina „TripTide“.

Hawaii- Brussels- Seychelles: The International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP) si very pleased to welcome TripTide, a young and dynamic company working at the destination level to build, togethe

Hawaii- Brussels- Seychelles: The International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP) si very pleased to welcome TripTide, a young and dynamic company working at the destination level to build, together with locals and visitors, digital communities that actively promote and preserve regional treasures.

TripTide is an innovative online service for the travel industry – bringing travellers and tourism suppliers together in a different way. It is a fusion of some of the most successful community, travel and social media practices which have been pioneered over the last 10 years. Many proven social media components have been adopted by TripTide to create a unique offering to would-be customers and travel service providers.

The TripTide service is designed to bring travellers and the local travel service together within a single portal/platform; a community. Site visitors will access, purchase and share information, experiences, advice about the destination and its tourism products. The TripTide concept is based on the premise that real time insider knowledge held by the local community and tourism suppliers, combined with the experiences and the powerful word-of-mouth from repeat visitors will simply enable future travellers to maximise their travel opportunity.

Our first site to launch is TripTide Australia. TripTide Australia is a global community of Australians, international travellers, travel veterans and would be visitors to Australia. The site is focused on travelers, suppliers to the travel industry and local destinations and provides a single point of access for information, promotion and supply. Further information about the site is detailed in our launch release.

We have recently soft-launched TripTide Southern Africa and are in the process of building our trade and community membership. We aim to have at least 5 new destinations on TripTide hubs by the end of 2014 with all supporting infrastructure including community building and social media teams from the UK. The three year membership target will is 20,000,000 active members.

TripTide specialises in building destination focussed travel communities. We work with local suppliers to ensure that income from tourism stays within the destination and provides maximum benefit to local people. We are committed to promoting travel products which give tourists a more rewarding holiday. We do this by working with local operators who use their knowledge and passion for their work to allow their clients to gain a deeper experience of the destination.

We have chosen to work with ICTP due to our shared focus on building networks of tourism organisations within destinations. We fully support ICTP’s commitment to green growth and are committed to ensuring quality tourism products and content on all TripTide communities.

To learn more about TripTide, go to:

Tarptautinė turizmo partnerių koalicija (ICTP) yra pasaulinė kelionių ir turizmo koalicija, besirūpinanti kokybiškomis paslaugomis ir ekologišku augimu. ICTP įtraukia bendruomenes ir jų suinteresuotąsias šalis dalytis kokybiškomis ir ekologiškomis galimybėmis, įskaitant įrankius ir išteklius, galimybes gauti finansavimą, švietimą ir rinkodaros paramą.
ICTP pasisako už tvarų aviacijos augimą, supaprastintus kelionių formalumus, sąžiningą nuoseklų apmokestinimą ir investicijas į darbo vietas. ICTP remia JT tūkstantmečio vystymosi tikslus, JT Pasaulio turizmo organizacijos Pasaulinį turizmo etikos kodeksą ir įvairias programas, kuriomis jie grindžiami. Daugiau informacijos apie ICTP rasite adresu http://www.ictp.travel


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Linda Hohnholz

Vyriausiasis redaktorius eTurboNews įsikūrusi eTN būstinėje.

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