„Lufthansa“ planuoja grįžti į Iraką

Irakui vis labiau atsiveriant civilinei aviacijai, skrydžių į šalį paklausa auga.

As Iraq is increasingly opening up to civil aviation, demand for flights to the country is growing. Lufthansa is therefore examining the possibility of launching several new services to Iraq and is currently planning to serve the capital, Baghdad, and the city of Erbil in Northern Iraq from Frankfurt and Munich.

Lufthansa aims to launch the new services in the summer of 2010, once it has obtained the necessary traffic rights. Further infrastructure requirements are also being examined. With the resumption of flights to Iraq, Lufthansa is pursuing its policy of expanding its route network in the Middle East, which it presently serves with 89 flights per week to 13 destinations in ten countries.

„Lufthansa“ vykdė skrydžius į Bagdadą nuo 1956 m. iki Persijos įlankos karo pradžios 1990 m. „Erbil“ iš Vienos jau aptarnauja „Austrian Airlines“, kuri priklauso „Lufthansa“ grupei. Nuo kitos vasaros Bagdadas ir Erbilis bus sujungti su Lufthansa centrais Frankfurte ir Miunchene ir taip bus integruoti į pasaulinį Lufthansa maršrutų tinklą.

The exact flight times and fares will be announced at a later date as soon as booking for the new routes opens.


Apie autorių

Linda Hohnholz

Vyriausiasis redaktorius eTurboNews įsikūrusi eTN būstinėje.

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